Vashlovani National Park 

Vashlovani Reserve Territories are located in south-eastern part of Georgia, 160 km from Tbilisi, at the end of Upland Iori, between rivers Iori and Alazani. It encompasses a sanctuary, national park and three natural memorials with total area of 250 sq. km.

Flora of Vashlovani reserve territories is of sa­van­nah type on the backdrop of which steppes and frigana bushes are represented with grass and needle grass. Here we have very rare pistachio tree (Pistacea mutica), Tugai forests of arid regions with inclusions of oak (Qurcus pedunculata), asp (Populus nigra, Populus canescens), ash-tree (Fraxinus excelsior), wild granate (Punica granatum) and walnut (Juglans regia).

There are several hundred species of plants in Vashlovani, among them should be mentioned 7 species of orchids, Georgian iris (Iris iberica), tulip of Eichler (Tulipa eichler), wild vane (Vitis sylvestris), et al. The fauna of reserve territories is also diversified, especially there are plenty of birds. Here also ’rest’ a lot of migrant birds. From birds of prey there are Eastern Imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca), griffon, eagle (Gyps fulvus), hen-harrier (Circus aeroginosusu) and buzzard (Buteo buteo). There are lots of Colchis pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in the groves. In the badlands of Vashlovani thousands of swallows make their nests and colonies. Such places are called City of Swallows.

There are many types of animals in the reserve territories. Among them are bears (Ursus arctos) rare for the arid places. At the end of 2003 front-Asian snow leopard (Pantera pardus ciscaucasica) was found in Vashlovani which later became a symbol of Vashlovani.

Recently gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa subgut­turosa) was brought from neighboring countries which in near past was represented in big numbers on the adjacent territories.

Sightseeing of the unique environmental variety of Vashlovani reserve territories is possible for any visitor. Tourist infrastructure is well developed here.


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